Research and development by FDDI

It is very vital to have a long lasting and good quality shoes especially for people who are in services which involve long working hours and field jobs. Apart from robustness there are several features such as make, design, quality and price which needs to be looked into while manufacturing a pair of shoe. Unfortunately when we compare the statistics of shoes worn by an individual in India and individual abroad the difference is substantial. Where developed nation wear on an average 5-6 shoes in a year per individual, India only wear 1 shoe in a year per individual.

Therefore keeping in mind the local demand of the country, India needs more resources and skill to full fill its demand. In the past after the FDDI Degree Issue being resolved, there has been a lot of value addition of resources in the field of footwear design and development and along with this vast research and development has followed.

Following are some of the examples of the same

FDDI was involved in developing special kind of footwear for Leprosy patients

Occasional shoes were developed for Police personnel

FDDI supplied samples for MTNL staff and upon its approval have been engaged in supplying them with shoes for the past 4 years

Air Force officers have also benefited through FDDI as they have supplied robust design which work wonders in their profession.

FDDI has also been involved in manufacturing budget range shoes for people who are low in budget. Around 1250000 pairs have been produced for Tendupatta which itself is a great achievement as people in that district did not even have a single pair of shoes up till then.


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